Yufka | Turkish Unleavened Flatbread


Yellow Wavy Line


Yufka is a very thinly rolled Turkish flatbread made with just the basic ingredients. It can be used to make wraps or as a pastry sheet for desserts.

Tilted Brush Stroke

Recipe Facts:


Yellow Wavy Line


Tilted Brush Stroke

Total Time

40 min

Tilted Brush Stroke



– 1 ½ cups All Purpose flour –1 teaspoon Salt – 2 Tablespoon Olive oil – Warm Water as needed to make a doudh

Yellow Wavy Line


Steps 1-3

– In a wide bowl, add the flour and the salt. Mix well to combine. – Slowly add the warm water to form a dough. – Add the olive oil and start kneading the dough until it is very soft and smooth.

Yellow Wavy Line

Steps 4-5

– Cover the dough and let it rest for about 4 hours or even overnight. The longer it rests, the easier it is for us to roll as we have to roll the dough really thin. – Once the dough is rested, divide the dough into 10 equal pieces.

Yellow Wavy Line

Steps 6-9

– Let the dough balls rest for about 15 minutes. – Dusting each ball with enough flour, start rolling the dough. Roll it as thin as possible without tearing the dough. – If the dough resists rolling, rest it for few more minutes and then roll again. – Heat a heavy pan and cook the rolled Yufka on medium high heat until golden brown on both sides.

Yellow Wavy Line

Steps  10-11

– Remove from heat and keep in between kitchen cloth until ready to serve. – The yufka tends to harden very quickly. It can be sprayed/sprinkled with warm water before serving to soften it.

Yellow Wavy Line


Yellow Wavy Line

" I am Sandhya Ramakrishnan, author, recipe developer and photographer in this journey!

About Author:

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02 Turkish Poğaça With Feta And Herb

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Yellow Wavy Line