Measure all the ingredients and keep them ready. If using frozen grated coconut, thaw it to room temperature. Grease a 4x6 pan with ghee and keep it aside.
Heat 1 cup sugar and ¼ cup water in a heavy bottom pan. I used 1 cup of sugar, but if you prefer less sweet burfi, we could reduce the sugar to ¾ cup.
1 cup Sugar, ¼ cup Water
Let the sugar syrup come to a 1-string consistency. To check this, remove a small amount of sugar syrup in a ladle and let it cool a bit. then touch the syrup with your index finger and draw a string pressing it between your thumb and index finger (refer to the video). The syrup should stretch and form a single thread without breaking.
At this stage, lower the heat and add few strings of saffron and ½ teaspoon of cardamom powder. Mix everything well.
½ teaspoon Cardamom powder, ⅛ teaspoon Saffron
Now add the grated coconut and almond flour. Mix well. Add 1 tablespoon of ghee as well and mix well. Cook the mixture in low-medium heat stirring it constantly.
½ cup Grated coconut, ½ cup Almond flour
Once the mixture thickens a bit, add 1 more tablespoon of ghee and keep mixing.
3 Tablespoon Ghee
When the whole mixture starts leaving the side of the pan and becomes a thick mass, turn off the heat. Transfer the mixture onto the greased pan and flatten it right away with the back of a flat spatula.
Let the burfi cool down a little but when it is still warm, make slices with a greased knife. Do not remove the pieces now but make the markings.
Once the burfi is completely cool, carefully break the burfi into pieces and enjoy.